About Me
Hi, I am a Data Scientist working in the tech industry. I like to play the Scientific Soothsayer at my work. I am also a Music Enthusiast who loves to play the Piano and Compose Tunes. I enjoy Traveling to new places and Capture the scenic Beauty of Nature. As a big Foodie, I cook new Delicacies to meet the needs of my taste buds.
Professional Prowess
As a Data Scientist I create Prediction Models to determine the Future Audience of any content. I also develop Optimization Models using mathematical solvers for Scheduling Problems.
The advancement in the Big Data has always fascinated me. Thoroughly relish the process of crunching millions of rows of data into a valuable Business Decision.
I did my Masters in Industrial Engineering with an inclination towards Operations Research from University at Buffalo, New York.
I love numbers since I was a child, hence I am very proficient in using Statistical Methods to illustrate the stories that numbers speak.

Music Factory

Music has always been an integral part of me since my school days.
“Music is the one incorporeal entrance into the higher world of knowledge which comprehends mankind but which mankind cannot comprehend.”
Ludwig van Beethoven
I record piano covers of my favorite songs and tunes. Check out my YouTube Channel and act on the magical words- Like, Share and Subscribe.
I am interested in creating Electronic Music so I play around a bit in GarageBand to Compose Tunes. Some of my compositions are in Soundcloud.
Visual Treats
I am currently based in New York City and its mandatory to mention that “I LOVE NY”!
The Skyline of New York City is something I can gaze for hours. I am always in a lookout for best spots to snap the skyscrapers. Central Park is my next favorite place.
That skyline — the apotheosis of New York’s grace and swagger, creativity and hard labor– is lovelier to me than the most serene sunset or snowcapped mountain range.
Maureen Corrigan, Leave Me Alone, I’m Reading
I never miss an opportunity to travel around in USA. I have visited Los Angeles, Grand Canyon, Maine, Vermont, New Orleans, Florida on various occasions.